Dear team,
First of all, thank you all for the fantastic job and service as always, especially during a difficult flight like this one with the client who is very fearful of turbulence.
Mrs. Smith just said ‘’I was very brave, ...but the whole crew were fantastic x’’ Mr. Smith has also commented on amazing staff and flight.
Please pass our feedback to the Crew with Big Thanks from us!
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Good evening Atmospherica Team,
The operation went very smooth and client was very happy about the services you offered. So when the client is happy, we are happy.
Thanks for everything and wishing you all the best and looking forward... to the next flight.
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Getting back with the pax feedback - they were charmed by the on board service and really liked your Crew - they simply stated that it was the best Crew they have ever flown with. Please pass my biggest thanks to the pilots - great job!
Vážení v letecké společnosti Atmospherica.
Dne 31.10.2024 jsme s manželkou a naším psíkem realizovali let z Malagy do Prahy.
Takových cest a s různými společnostmi jsme realizovali v minu...losti již mnoho, ale zážitek právě z onoho letu v nás zanechal velkou stopu. Vysoká profesionalita, zájem o cestujícího, o jeho komfort, informovanost a celkové jednání posádky nás ohromilo.
Pánové Štěpán Š. a Vít Š. předvedli navíc takovou tolik dnes chybějící a pro nás inspirující úctu ke své profesi a letounu samotnému.
Snad se jim tím svým “vším pozitivním” podaří “nakazit" co nejvíce dnešní všeobecné negativity a Vám ať se moc daří.
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Tomáš a Martina S. a pejsek Kubík : )
Dear Atmospherica,
My heartfelt appreciation for the outstanding job you did in organizing our flight. Your efficiency, and promptness were truly impressive. The positive feedback from our clients speaks volumes about the exceptional service y...ou provide.
We are looking forward to working together again in the future and creating more successful flights together.
Warmest regards and have a great evening.
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Angela Kuznetsova
Commercial Director, Lifestyle and Travel
I would like to thank you very much for today’s flight. It was a great experience to be your passenger. My Clients were pleased and liked your plane a lot. I will definitely make sure they come back.
Hello Team,
I would like to thank you very, very much for our yesterday’s flight. My Ladies were really pleased by the on board service of the Crew. As well as appreciated your new P300E to be arranged for this mission. Super tidy, clea...n – everything was 10/10. Thank you once again for providing highest possible standard on board and please pass also my biggest thanks to the Crew.
All the best,
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Anita Lisowska
General Aviation Services Sp. z o.o.
Client just landed snd first thing they said is how amazing the crew and catering was as was the phenom300.
Amazing service. Thank you.
Stratton Gold Ltd.
Good evening all,
Just wanted to say a MASSIVE thank you for helping make today go smoothly for our passengers. It's great to work with you all, amazing team.
Have a great evening and be back in touch for the next!
Alex Fellows
Sandbanks Jets
I just wanted to pass on the feedback from the pax for yesterday's flight.
They said that the flight was excellent, as was the catering.
Thank you for all your help, we will be in touch next week regarding the return
Dear team,
Thank you so much for great service under the planning and execution of this flight!
The pax reported a 10/10 on comfort, service and food! Great work!
I will contact you next time I have a flight ...for the beautiful Challenger!
All the best
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Andreas Oterholt
They said that everything went perfectly, and they really enjoyed the flight!
Pokud se nás chcete na cokoliv zeptat nebo máte zájem o nabídku letu, využijte prosím formulář výše nebo nám napište zprávu níže. Odpovíme Vám v cuku letu.
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